Aces and Dice without the Dice

This is basically the same trick as Aces and Dice but without the dice.

Effect: Have the spectator shuffle the deck. Take the deck back and turn it face up. Spread the cards to show the mixed condition. Turn the deck face down and do an overhand shuffle to further mix the cards as you explain the card cheats develop sensitive fingers that let them tell when there is a card they need for their hand.

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Erdnase system of stock shuffling to stack for Aces and Dice

Erdnase stock shuffle for stacking the Aces and Dice trick

Refer to the Expert Card Technique book for the Erdnase system of stock shuffling. This modification will stack the aces for the Aces and Dice routine.  The stack puts the aces at locations 5, 7, 13 and 15.

  1. Start with one ace on the bottom of the deck and three on top. (I cull the four aces to the top of the deck and then double cut one to the bottom)
  2. Undercut half the deck.
  3. Injog the top card (an ace) and shuffle off 6 cards, outjogging the next and shuffle off putting the last card from the right hand on top (an ace).
  4. undercut at the out jog, taking a break at the injog.
  5. Run one card and throw the rest from the break on top
  6. run one, in jog, run 5 and out jog.
  7. Under cut at the in jog and throw on top
  8. Undercut at the out jog and run one and throw

Easy Aces


This is an easy but entertaining production of four aces where the spectator does the work.  It works well with four spectators, but can be used with less than four as you will see.

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Aces and Dice


Performer shuffles a deck of cards twice and sets the deck down. Then displays four dice. The specatator rolls the dice to come up with four random numbers. The performer picks up the deck and shows the top and bottom cards, and then deals four piles of cards. The number of cards dealt to each pile corresponds with the number on each die. For example, if the dice showed a 4, 3, 5, and 3, then the first pile dealt would have 4 cards, the second 3, the third 5, and the fourth 3. Turning the top card of each pile reveals the four aces. Continue reading “Aces and Dice”

Card stack technique for Xavier Perret’s Da Vinci’s Code card trick

See for the effect.


  1. Sort the cards into four face up piles, each pile consisting of a single suit in order from the back (A) to the top (K). So when you hold a pile in your hand face up, the Ace is next to your palm and the King is the visible card.
  2. Set the hearts, spades and diamonds aside for a moment.
  3. Take the clubs and divide them into the following three groups:
  4. Ace to six, 7 to 10, and then the Jack, Queen and King
  5. Pick up the Jack, Queen and King and move the Jack between the Queen and King.
  6. Pick up the 7 to 10 pile and interleave the Queen, Jack and King between the 7, 8, 9, and 10 so you end up with the cards in 7, Q, 8, J, 9, K, and 10 order.
  7. Now pick up the A to 6 pile and interleave them into the 7, Q, 8, J, 9, K, and 10 pile so you end up with:
    7, A, Q, 2, 8, 3, J, 4, 9, 5, K, 6, 10
  8. Move the 7 from the bottom to the top so you have:
    A, Q, 2, 8, 3, J, 4, 9, 5, K, 6, 10, 7
  9. Holding the clubs pile face up in your right hand, pick up the diamonds pile in your left hand and Faro shuffle the two piles face up together, keeping the 7 of clubs on top.
    The order of those cards after the shuffle are:   AD, AC, 2D, QC, 3D, 2C4D, 8C, 5D, 3C, 6D, JC, 7D, 4C, 8D, 9C, 9D, 5C, 10D, KC, JD, 6C, QD, 10C, KD, 7C
  10. Place the face up spades packet on the face up hearts, and then Faro shuffle those with the packet that has the 7C on top. Keep the 7C on top as you Faro shuffle
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