I have traced the paternal linage back to my great-great-great grandfather. Most of this came from the family Bible and was cross checked with records available on the web. My maternal lineage goes further back and can be seen here.
Great-Great-Great Grandfather – John Wallace
John Wallace married Anne McLean, date unknown. They had a son Hugh McLean Wallace (born 1849 or 1850 in Scotland, died 1923)
Great-Great Grandfather – Hugh McLean Wallace
Hugh McLean Wallace married Margaret Dawes (1851-1923) (or Daws) and had five children:
- William Lindsay Wallace born 9/15/1870, died 11/29/1873
- Harry Hugh Wallace (my grandfather) born 10/7/1879, died 7/13/1945 (note that the birth date might be incorrect. Another document lists his birth date as Oct. 1, 1881.
- Henrietta E. Wallace born 9/11/1881, died 12/14/1960. Married Bert Cowen 8/3/1910 (also known as Nettie)
- James A. Wallace born 5/5/1885, died 11/27/1979
- Hellen Catherine Love Wallace (also known as Nellie Kathryn Love Wallace) born 12/15/1887, died 1978 (buried at Orland Masonic Cemetery, Orland, Ca.) We knew her as Aunt Nell. She married John Snodgrass.
The Minnesota State Census, 1895 (Marshall County Argyle village ) lists Hugh’s occupation as “Miller” and lists four children Harry (15), Nettie (13), James (10) and Nellie(7).

According to U.S. Census data Hugh was born in Scotland and immigrated in 1854. His wife immigrated in 1857 from England. The census lists his occupation as “miller.” What is interesting is that the 1900 census only lists three children Henrietta/Nettie (18), James (15), and Hellen/Nellie (12).
The 1910 U.S. Census for Five Mile Township, Spokane, Washington shows Hugh McLean Wallace with three children in the household: Harry (29), James (25), and Nellie (22).

Grandfather – Harry Hugh Wallace

The 1880 Minnesota Census show Hugh McLean Wallace’s wife Margaret living with her parents and an 8 month old son, Harry H Wallace, in the Township of Warsaw, Rice county, Minnesota.

Harry Hugh Wallace marries Geraldine C. Manning on July 20th 1911.

March 12 1912 Harry Hugh Wallace moves to Victoria B.C. and works as a passenger agent for the railroad. In 1914 Harry and Geraldine have my father in Seattle, Washington. It looks like they lived in Victoria B.C. and just traveled to Seattle for the birth.

Harry’s 1917 draft card shows him working as an agent for the Great Northern Railroad Company. My father’s sister is born in Canada in 1917, and the draft card shows them living in Washington in 1918, so I assume that that was the year they moved back to the States.

The 1920 U.S. Census shows his family living in Okanogan, Okanogan County, Washington, pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

Harry divorced his wife Geraldine around 1920 and he moved to Florida. He remarried in 1942 and he died in 1945 in Polk, Florida, United States. Geraldine took the children to L.A. where she died in 1929.
Harry worked in the railroad industry, when he move to Florida he worked for the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad.

My father – Richard Manning Wallace
My father was born in Seattle, Washington in 1914.
I found the following in a book titled “Baby’s Happy Days” he kept (designed by Alice Goss, published by the Dodge Publishing Company in 1911. The book cost $3.50 which was a lot of money at the time, about $94 today.) This was at the end of the book under a heading of “traveling.” This was a baby’s first book that his parents probably had to record baby information in.
“When Richard was 3 months old Mother took him from Victoria B.C. to Seattle Washington by boat and from there to Spokane, then to Sawyer, Idaho, and returned to Victoria three months later. The next summer when he was 14 months old the same trip was taken. The following spring Daddy, Mother and baby went to Spokane and stayed for Easter, returned to Victoria two weeks later, and three months later Mother and baby spent 5 months traveling, going from Victoria to Spokane, then to Winchester, Idaho, back to Spokane, then to Seattle, then to Portland Ore, returning to Seattle and then to Victoria. The summer Richard was two years old he had the whooping cough and the spring he had the measles and was very sick each time.”
For more about his life see my family timeline at http://robertjwallace.com.timeline.