Always Cut the Cards

I love the material of Larry Jennings. The first effect in “The Classic Magic of Larry Jennings” is the effect “Always Cut the Cards”, where the aces are lost in the deck by cutting, and then magically assemble back on top of the deck. In the book this is accomplished with a crimped card on the bottom of the deck and using Marlo’s Unit Upjog Addition.

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More from Condon, Or

There is something special about life in rural small (really, really small) town America. Watching kids play baseball, in a park with two diamonds, behind one grain elevators and the other nothing but open land as far as the eye can see. Or waking up and the only thing you hear is bird songs. No sirens, or cars, or planes. The most jarring noise is a hungry calf.

Condon 2019

Some Condon Oregon junkyard photos from the White Elephant ranch. Also cousin Andrew hand feeding a calf born during the harsh winter.

Oil and Water


This is a classic oil and water effect, where four red cards and four black cards are interlaced, then shaken and shown to show that they have separated back to four red and four black. This is repeated three or four times. The for a climax, the shuffled deck is picked up and shaken. Then it is spread to show that all of the cards have separated into red and black. There are many methods published, I don’t remember where I found these, but you can find a list at the conjuring archive1.

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