Aces and Dice without the Dice

This is basically the same trick as Aces and Dice but without the dice.

Effect: Have the spectator shuffle the deck. Take the deck back and turn it face up. Spread the cards to show the mixed condition. Turn the deck face down and do an overhand shuffle to further mix the cards as you explain the card cheats develop sensitive fingers that let them tell when there is a card they need for their hand.

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Erdnase system of stock shuffling to stack for Aces and Dice

Erdnase stock shuffle for stacking the Aces and Dice trick

Refer to the Expert Card Technique book for the Erdnase system of stock shuffling. This modification will stack the aces for the Aces and Dice routine.  The stack puts the aces at locations 5, 7, 13 and 15.

  1. Start with one ace on the bottom of the deck and three on top. (I cull the four aces to the top of the deck and then double cut one to the bottom)
  2. Undercut half the deck.
  3. Injog the top card (an ace) and shuffle off 6 cards, outjogging the next and shuffle off putting the last card from the right hand on top (an ace).
  4. undercut at the out jog, taking a break at the injog.
  5. Run one card and throw the rest from the break on top
  6. run one, in jog, run 5 and out jog.
  7. Under cut at the in jog and throw on top
  8. Undercut at the out jog and run one and throw

Easy Aces


This is an easy but entertaining production of four aces where the spectator does the work.  It works well with four spectators, but can be used with less than four as you will see.

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Aces and Dice


Performer shuffles a deck of cards twice and sets the deck down. Then displays four dice. The specatator rolls the dice to come up with four random numbers. The performer picks up the deck and shows the top and bottom cards, and then deals four piles of cards. The number of cards dealt to each pile corresponds with the number on each die. For example, if the dice showed a 4, 3, 5, and 3, then the first pile dealt would have 4 cards, the second 3, the third 5, and the fourth 3. Turning the top card of each pile reveals the four aces. Continue reading “Aces and Dice”

The longest flight

Old age sucks. Memories fade. So I thought I would write this story down before more of my memories of it fade away. This is about my longest flight.

I was working for Metheus Corporation at the time. Metheus was building computer workstations used for designing VLSI chips. I was a marketing engineer at the time. Dec 7th, 1983 my boss asked me if I would go to Israel to demo our systems at a trade show. That was the same day that a Palestinian terrorist bombed a Jerusalem bus killing four people. Since I didn’t believe in omens I said sure.

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Aha moments

Have you ever had one of those moments where you have had some nagging thought, which suddenly gains clarity with an aha moment. Here are two that I have had.

My best friend was living just 20 miles north of Yellowstone. I was visiting him and decided to drive down to the park and do some hiking and photography. I had come to a large meadow that had a herd of bison grazing. The path cut across the center of the meadow to a small rise. None of the bison were near the path so I quietly and slowly crossed, without incident, to the rise on the far side.

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Cars that I have owned

  • 57 Chevy Bel Air – Not very cool, it was a four door. But it did take me all the way to Laguna Beach and back when I was seventeen.
  • 67 MGB GT – I blame Chris for this car. It was a rust bucket unfortunately. But it, along with Chris’ MGB gave me my taste for British cars. I didn´t keep it very long.
  • 1978 Volkswagon Scirocco – This was a great car. Virtually indestructible, until I ran a red light and got T-boned right at the driver side door. Car was totaled but I walked away without a scratch.
  • 1957 MGA – Saw this for sale on the road by Beaverton High School in 1985, and in a moment of weakness bought it. I still think that this is one of the most beautiful sports cars to look at. Only a four cylinder, but it handles nice. It was in pretty rough shape mechanically and although I did drive it for a while, it ended up sitting in my garage for a good number of years before I got it mechanically rebuilt.
  • 1988 Honda Prelude – This car was almost as fun to drive as the Scirocco. It had four wheel steering, where the rear wheels actually turned slightly as well as the front wheels.
  • 1999 Accura Integra – A nice solid car, sporty, but not really a sports car.
  • 1960 Austin Healey 3000 – Now this is the car that people drool over when I drive it, at least if they are old enough to remember wanting one, or if they had one and regret getting rid of it. Same size as the MGA, but with an engine twice as large (roughly 3000cc compared to 1500cc). It also weighs 1000 pounds more. Under the bonnet is a straight 6 and it does feel like it.
  • 2011 Mitsubishi Eclipse – This car feels somewhat between my Prelude and my Integra. It drives much more like a sports car than did the Integra.