Blind Riffles

Blind Riffles

THE riffle, i. e., shuffling the cards on the table by springing the ends of two packets into each other, is by far the more prevalent method in use among regular card players. The possibilities of the riffle, for all practical purposes at the card table, are limited to retaining the top or bottom stock; but in these respects it is quite equal to the hand shuffle as a blind, and the apparent process of thoroughly mixing the cards may be indulged in to any extent without disturbing the order of the top or bottom portion, as the case may be. The order may be arranged to a very limited extent, but the expert who uses the riffle cares little for stocking. His usual procedure is to place the desired cards at the bottom and retain them there. However, if the opportunity has occurred for arranging a top stock, it can be retained during the riffle just as easily. A blind cut should always be alternated with each, or every second riffle.

To Retain the Top Stock

UPPER cut about half the deck with right hand, place two packets end to end on the table in the usual position for riffling. Seize both packets at sides close to adjoining ends between the third finger and thumb of each hand, and rest the hands on the outer ends of packets. Raise the thumb corners, and at the same moment in-jog the top card of the left-hand packet by drawing it in a little over the left thumb, with the first finger of the left hand. The first and second fingers of the left hand conceal both the jog and the action. (See Fig. 5.) Then begin to release, and spring or riffle into each other the ends of the lower cards with both thumbs, but more rapidly with the left thumb, so that the left packet, with the exception of the top card (which is retained on top of the left thumb) will have been riffled in before the right thumb has released the cards of the top stock. Continue the action with the right thumb until all are released, then release last card held by the left thumb. (See Fig. 6.)

This action places one extra card on original top stock. To square up in the ordinary manner would expose the fact that the upper portion had not been riffled. Drop the left thumb on the top card to hold the deck; in position and shift the left hand so that the edge of the palm will rest on the table at the end of the left packet and the second and third fingers come along the side. Then with the right hand in much the same position as the left, but held more openly, push the right packet in and square up. (See Fig. 7.) Each time this riffle is made it leaves an extra card on top, and the top stock is usually arranged to require two or three extra cards. But if not required the extra card is gotten rid of by "Blind Cut No. 1." After each or every second riffle execute blind cut "No. III To Retain the Top Stock."

This riffle, though requiring considerable explanation, is quite simple, and as easily executed as the true. There is no hesitation in the thumb action, although one moves more rapidly than the other. The movements are natural; the positions of the hands are regular, and even the manner of pushing in the cards is the customary one of many players.

But, as intimated, to retain the top stock in the riffle is the exception. In most instances, when the blind is used, it is to retain the bottom stock, and that process which is next described, is even simpler and easier of execution, and more perfect in deception.

To Retain the Bottom Stock

UPPER cut about half deck with right hand and place the two packets end to end in position for riffle. Seize both packets at sides close to adjoining ends between second finger and thumb of each hand, the third and little fingers curled in, with the first joints resting on top of packets. Raise thumb corners and release bottom stock; first with left thumb, then continue action with both thumbs until all cards are riffled in. (See Fig. 8.) Push both packets together in the ordinary manner and square up.

There is no necessity of covering the bottom stock as in the instance of the top stock, when squaring up; because unless it is very large it is not noticeable, and more than a half dozen cards are rarely held there. However, the same plan used to conceal the top stock may be adopted if desired.

Perhaps a simpler way to perform the blind is to leave the bottom stock on the table without riffling it at all, and the left thumb to pick up the cards above it. The right thumb, of course, picks up the entire right packet. This method prevents any possible difference in the sound of the riffle, though when cleverly performed it is imperceptible to the ear.

This riffle can be varied by drawing out the bottom half with the right hand and leaving, or first releasing, the bottom stock with the right thumb. However, all blind riffling should be occasionally alternated with blind cuts, and when the action is gracefully executed without either haste or hesitation, it is absolutely impossible for any eye to follow the action or detect the ruse. Execute blind cut "No. IV To Retain the Bottom Stock" with this riffle.

In performing the Top Stock Riffle, the use of the third fingers and the positions of the hands and other fingers, are very important, as concealment is an essential of the blind. But in the Bottom Stock instance, and especially when the stock is small, the action of not interlacing the bottom cards is not perceptible, and the handling of the deck should be as open and artistic as possible. Hence the use of the second fingers and the curled up positions of the third and little fingers.

Just here we are reminded that comparatively few card players can make an ordinary riffle with any degree of grace or smoothness, and especially few understand how to square up properly. But the whole process is of the simplest nature, and so much easier than clumsy force, if the right method is adopted.

The position given for the Bottom Stock Riffle is the proper one for all ordinary occasions. (See Fig. 8.) The entire work should be done by the second fingers and thumbs. The least possible pressure should be exerted when springing the corners together, the cards being hardly perceptibly bent. When the corners are interlaced, shift the hands to the outer ends, seizing the side corners with thumbs and second fingers, and telescope the two packets about two-thirds. (See Fig. 9.) Now shift the hands again, bringing the thumbs together at inner side, and a second finger at middle of each end, and square up the deck perfectly by sliding the thumbs outward along the side, and the second fingers inwards along the ends (see Fig. 10) until they meet at the corners, squeezing or pressing the cards into position in the action.

The blind process of riffling the two packets truly together, and squaring up in a slightly diagonal position, then withdrawing the packets, throwing the original top one on top again; or pushing the two packets completely through in the diagonal position, leaving the order of the whole deck the same, is quite possible, but very difficult to perform perfectly. But there is seldom a desire and never a necessity of preserving the complete order at a card table, and the foregoing methods are much easier to execute, more perfect as a blind, and answer every purpose.